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Bringing Green Global Technology to the Irish Market

Last updated on June 29, 2023 in Fleet Management by Phil Barnes |  2 minute read

The Innovation of the Irish Telematics Market, Powered by Global Technology

Technology within the fleet sector has undergone a remarkable transformation. The demands for quality have increased, propelling the industry into a rapid transition. While GPS data remains ubiquitous in our daily lives, it's important to acknowledge that the software used in fleet management has become outdated. The world has evolved, and so should our approach.

Ireland's Unique Fleet Market

The island of Ireland is a thriving hub of fleet activity, brimming with traditional fleet tracking providers competing for their slice of the market. We have a mix of local and international brands, each offering varying levels of expertise and systems.


In this data-driven era, business data holds greater significance than ever before. Having tools that cater to the diverse needs of different departments within an organisation is crucial for successful operations and efficiency. Procurement, finance, fleet, maintenance, operations, and planning all require accurate data tailored to their specific roles and performance. The question is, are they truly receiving what they need?


Having worked in both Northern and Southern Ireland for nearly two decades, Phil Barnes - Business Development Manager at Geotab has witnessed some changes in the market. While updates to portals and apps, such as incorporating driver behaviour analysis, reporting on fuel spend, and increasing dashcam usage, these advancements have become commonplace. We no longer desire mediocrity; we demand the next generation of fleet management solutions. What does this look like for Ireland? What is the next evolutionary step in supporting fleet business operations, driving efficiency, and maximising returns on investment? 

For hindsight, insight and foresight - why Geotab

Geotab equips you with powerful ammunition that provides insightful data flexibly tailored to your business needs.


At Geotab, our focus is on delivering high-quality vehicle data. Through our unique open platform for fleet management, we enable clients worldwide to achieve a new level of insight.


As a global provider with over 20 years of experience in vehicle data engineering and a staggering fleet of over 3.4 million connected vehicles worldwide — more vehicles than Ireland's total count—Geotab possesses the expertise and scale to drive substantial impact. Collaborating with trusted Irish partners who bring confidence, loyalty, and local presence to the table.

Embracing the Changing World

Our software shifts the focus from reactive to proactive—some may even call it predictive. Utilising intellectual property and in-house development, Geotab retains complete ownership of the device hardware, firmware, and software that powers our servers and customer-facing tools. This unique advantage allows for the continuous introduction of new features to meet emerging customer needs and market opportunities.


And let's not forget about our commitment to the environment. Regardless of where you are on your green fleet journey, Geotab has developed tools to help you review your practices, transition to electric vehicles (EVs), operate a mixed fleet, and scale your EV operations. We proudly lead the global charge in EV telematics, supporting fleets from 0% to 100% electric. By delivering global technology tailored to the local market, we empower the region to differentiate itself and introduce innovation to the fleet industry.


The world is evolving, and so should our approach to fleet management. Geotab brings green global technology to the Irish market, providing advanced software, insightful data, and a dedication to sustainability. Together, we can drive positive change, increase efficiency, and shape a brighter future for fleet management in Ireland.


Think on your fleet.


For more information on how Geotab can support your fleet today, request a demo: 

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