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Geotab Cares helps further our commitment to diversifying STEM programs

See how Geotab Cares supports the development of diverse STEM programs in our communities.

Geotab Team

By Geotab Team

October 19, 2023

4 minute read

women in stem pic

The digital world is constantly changing, which requires more individuals with skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to successfully navigate the space and bring technology and innovation to the masses. Geotab recognizes the importance of encouraging future development in STEM and actively works to recruit individuals with interest in these fields to pursue further learning. This applies to people from all backgrounds, races, gender identities and beyond.


Through our community outreach program, Geotab Cares, employees from across the world are able to contribute to local and international efforts to encourage more diverse participation in the STEM fields. Geotabbers understand that STEM education teaches critical thinking skills and instills a passion for innovation and are eager to aid in diversifying this world.

What is Geotab Cares?

Geotab Cares is a program designed to help our company and employees around the world give back to our communities.  This allows employees to connect, build relationships and partner with great organizations to help further our global communities. It aims to create a better place for everyone to live with an emphasis on four key areas: 

  1. STEM development
  2. Environmental sustainability
  3. Pedestrian and road safety
  4. Community assistance
Geotab Cares logo

How the world is encouraging people of color in STEM

People of colour remain underrepresented in the STEM workforce. There is a real need for improvement in gender, racial and ethnic diversity in STEM fields, especially in fields like computing and engineering. In fact, racial diversity statistics in the STEM field show that black workers make up only 9% of roles, while Hispanics account for 8%.


To help combat this issue, Employee Resource Groups (ERG), which are groups of employees who have a passion for key diversity and inclusion topic areas, are being developed at corporations around the world. Those who join these groups generally understand first hand what it's like to not be included and can help start conversations around encouraging diversity in the workforce.

Supporting STEM programs and organizations

At Geotab, we have taken steps to research the availability of various recruiting avenues that help us to focus and support People of Color in STEM. This will be done through bursaries designed to incentivize greater participation in STEM by people of color and by leveraging recruiters to bring on candidates of color. 


Our initial focus at Geotab will be on encouraging applications from people of color in STEM. This is in response to issues raised by protests happening worldwide, with the additional interest of including ethnic groups like Latinos and Indigenous People in STEM as well. 


With a strong focus on developing programs and supporting organizations, Goetab aims to help close the gender gap in STEM-related fields by increasing diversity and inclusion. 


Below are a few examples of initiatives Geotab is taking to encourage diversity in STEM: 

Micro internship program for Indigenous youth

In 2021, Geotab’s Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Committee partnered with Actua to assist Indigenous youth in STEM roles through a "micro internship program" by providing funding that enables the organization to reach all youth in Canada. Actua is a national charity that is preparing youth to be innovators and leaders by engaging them in exciting and accessible STEM experiences that build critical employability skills and confidence.


The micro internship is a short-term, professional, work-integrated learning experience that aims to provide post-secondary students with a unique opportunity to be a part of a business environment. Each student is paired with a Geotabber for one month where they gain insights into how Geotabbers work, learn about a STEM professional’s journey and career and gain valuable insights into the STEM industry. 

Largest virtual gathering of black professionals globally

Geotab has partnered with Black Professional in Tech Network (BPTN) in an effort to diversify our people leaders and talent pool. Through this partnership, leaders at Geotab are proactively involved in roundtable meetings and events to help promote diversity amongst black professionals in STEM. BPTN has also taken an active role with Geotab’s recruitment team to maintain a strong, professional pool of black applicants with STEM backgrounds. 


In 2021, Geotab had its own booth at the largest virtual and global gathering of black tech professionals. The event brought black professionals together to grow their skills, expand their network and level up their careers.

CUTC career fair

Geotab sponsored the Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference (CUTC), which featured experts with backgrounds in engineering, programming, interactive design, chemistry and more. We led discussions on diversity and inclusion in tech and participated in a career fair where students met sponsors and asked questions to recruiters.


Girl using computer with man pointing towards the screen from her side

Toronto’s largest student network career fair

Geotab sponsored the You’re Next Career Network (YNCN), which is dedicated to providing students with professional development opportunities and connecting companies with top talent. A booth was set up to help students build their professional toolkit and gain insights into STEM career opportunities.

Hack-the-6ix challenge

In 2021, Geotab participated in the Hack-the-6ix challenge, the largest summer student-run, not-for-profit hackathon. We held a challenge where participants had to use Geotab’s telematics data sets in the most innovative way possible. Available datasets included: 

  • COVID-19 mobility impact
  • Weather information
  • Urban infrastructure analytics
  • Vehicle location analytics

Geotab judges provided an outlet for students to present their ideas while taking into consideration Geotab’s pillars of innovation: 

Technical workshop held at TOHacks

Geotab sponsored TOHacks, where we hosted a technical workshop for students who wanted to learn more about data and analytics. The objective was to connect students with professional development and growth opportunities through an inclusive and uplifting environment.

Workshops for building employable skills with SEDS-Canada

Geotab sponsored Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS-Canada) which brought like-minded individuals from across the globe to take on a series of unique projects, research programs and professional opportunities in space sectors. Geotab hosted two workshops, one with a technical theme, focused on developing skills in data and analytics, with the other revolving around resume building and interview preparation. 


Geotab is devoted to engaging in sponsorship opportunities and implementing programs to build out initiatives that will deliver a more diverse and inclusive environment. Our main goal is to develop a space where all Geotabbers feel safe, seen, valued and understood.


If you are passionate about STEM and are looking for a new role, you’re in luck! Geotab is hiring! Check out our open positions on our Careers site. For the latest Geotab news, photos and career updates, follow @InsideGeotab on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.


Originally published on February 22, 2019.

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