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Unlock the power of your data with Geotab Data Connector

Last updated on March 4, 2024 in Data and Analytics by Chad Saliba |  1 minute read

73% of all enterprise data is never analyzed. Those mountains of ones and zeros are ready for rejuvenation. What if you could bring it all to life?

Geotab Data Connector lets you do more with the data you already have — and the tools you already use. Bring your telematics, financial and HR data together on one screen with the most popular BI tools, like Tableau and Power BI. Get deep, long-term insights, with one simple connection.

Stretch insights across your business


Person on computer

Creating an insight-driven culture starts at the top. CEOs who make decisions with data are 77% more likely to hit their targets. And it’s often fleet managers and other employees working with BI tools who turn that data into useful insights.


However, 74% of people are overwhelmed working with data: the volume and time it takes for analysis, how to collaborate with others, and how to bring it all together for organizational visibility.

Geotab Data Connector helps you address these challenges: 

Instant, long-term trend analysis

Large amounts of data can be powerful, especially when looking at data stretching back through time.


With Geotab Data Connector, you can set the analysis timeframe and get instant results with daily refreshes. For example, when cross-referencing idle times with revenue, you get a clear picture of the inverse relationship: less idle time, more revenue.

Geotab Data Connector

Share insights securely

Often, in organizations, multiple people need access to your data. You may work directly with data from MyGeotab to create custom reports or dashboards, but someone outside your team might need the same information.


Now, you can easily share a unified data stream for others to include in their own analysis. You don’t need to train more people in MyGeotab or export raw data — they can access it with their own BI tool. It’s a secure way to collaborate and share insights.

Improve visibility for everyone

Siloed data gives a single view. When fleet managers only see pockets of information, they’re not getting a complete picture. With Geotab Data Connector, you can bring clean telematics data to one screen. There, it's ready for analysis with other data sources you want to import, like financial and HR data, all with your own BI tool for more nuanced insights.

Not only can you visualize the data however you need, but you can also share views at any level of your company, from manager to executive, increasing overall visibility. Set strategies and actionable goals based on converged data that tells a more detailed story.

People sitting around a table having a meeting

Geotab Data Connector supports your entire organization

Fleet Managers and Business Analysts

Access a library of ever-evolving pre-built templates. You can quickly visualize data inside the most popular BI tools, like Tableau and Power BI — all on one screen. And, you can easily share that with other people in your organization who need to use the data.


It’s easy to use and easy to set up. We provide a clean, curated stream of data that’s secure and ready to use. Integrate telematics, financial and HR data for a more complete view of your operations.

A simple flip of the switch

Geotab Data Connector is included in the ProPlus plan or as a paid Add-In. Visit the Geotab Marketplace for more information. 

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