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Global telematics footprint expands in South East Asia

Last updated on March 8, 2023 in Fleet Management by Colin Sutherland |  1 minute read

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I just returned from South East Asia, where partners are expanding the global telematics footprint. There is an exciting trend towards data in the region.

I just returned from a trip to South East Asia, where partners are helping expand the global telematics footprint. In countries like Thailand and Singapore, partners are building a great new ecosystem of APIs. They understand that Geotab’s APIs and open platform enables businesses to connect to the data, and further extend the use of data into back office applications.


There is an opportunity for Geotab to really make a significant difference in the region. South East Asia has one of the highest traffic fatality rates in the entire world. The statistics are staggering. A 2015 report published by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that South East Asia accounts for 25% of the global road traffic deaths, with more than 300,000 people dying in road traffic accidents each year. WHO calls for stronger laws in the region on speeding, seat belts, child restraints, and stricter enforcement.


The prevalence of a low-cost, poorly manufactured GPS tracking systems in the region is contributing to the problem with safety. These devices have very limited capabilities and aren’t offering the full benefits for safety, let alone the added features for business productivity and efficiency. Having the right tools in place for safety and productivity, to keep vehicles up and running, is really essential for every type of fleet.


We are seeing an exciting trend towards data in the region as well. Businesses in South East Asia understand that data and data analytics are really important. Geotab is focused on data and helping businesses transform themselves based on information. We’re looking forward to spending more time in the region, educating fleet managers on the value of telematics and how it can positively impact businesses.


Watch Colin’s video chat on telematics in South East Asia (1:54).
Follow @GeotabColin for updates on Geotab around the world.



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